Trying electron and react, amazing experience so far

  • 1
    Yup. Loving electron.
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    Heard good things about react. I have to try it.
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    Can anyone tell me the advantage of react? Never worked with it so don't have any opinion about it yet but heard about it here and there
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    @linuxxx React is a view library which lets you define components and have them reused wherever you want. Each component can have its own state and react makes sure the UI is always synced with the state. Re-render is insanely fast with react probably possible due to its virtual DOM.

    Also, since each component is written in separate file, there is a less chance your code turns into spaghetti. However, there do exist best practices recommended to write better code; you might wanna check out "separating dumb presentational components and intelligent comtainer component".

    What I like about react compared to other libraries is, it doesn't enforce its own convention and syntaxes that are apart from javascript itself (except for JSX). All you need is a good knowledge of js. For, JSX, you will pick it up right off the bat as it does not deviate much from HTML.

    Finally, react is stupidly fun. Building UI had never been this fun for me, and hope you have fun too. Good luck.
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    @absolutezero could u plzz tell me how to start developing desktop apps using electron .
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