The single most annoying thing about Rust the language, is that it shares name with Rust the game.

This sometimes leads to some pretty cumbersome workarounds when trying to Google for things in one that also exists in the other.

  • 0
    1. Why so many posts about rust recently?
    2. Just append "lang" or "programming" to the search query and you should be good to go.
  • 0
    @ElCapitan I know, still annoying to do so though
  • 6
    Click on 4 rust coding related results after searching and the search personalization will take care of your problem

    At least it does solve this kind of problems for me this way
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    @TktStatusPICNIC the question was more mend to be "Why have I seen more then 5 Rust posts in the last few days and never before" ? Why is everyone starting to post about it now (if it has a reason)?
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    I feel like I have to say something here, but dont really wanna.

    And there is always things which you dont see if you are on thr algo filter of the app. I have only seen one post about rust, so guess it was your luck to see that many
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