What's is the top 10 package in nodes?

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    Really depends what you are trying to do...some of my favorite are: lodash, bluebird, express/koa... But npm sure should have some top packages list if I recall correctly.
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    @dmacdo02 understand, actually the reason I ask was the numbers of the pkgs was huge. It is difficult to find a point to start with ... Let's say I am a front end developer. There are several giant framework/stacks are already there .... Just want to filter out some to make the starting easier... Anyway.. thanks for letting me know ur thought...
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    Ahh fair enough... Luckily enough, frameworks are heavily talked about pieces, so there are tons of summary blogs and blogs sizing them up against each other... I'm not a front end developer, but when I've done a little bit of work I used react with alt and flux...I believe we used gulp to help while doing local dev...

    Most tools I discover are because I am working on something and I say to myself there must be a better way to do x or someone must have already made a package to do y

    Forgot to mention packages: mocha, sinon, eslint for code quality.
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