Looking for a software engineer job being mostly self taught feels harder. A this point I'm used to companies not replying to my applications. I failed a coding test for a Silicon Valley startup and learned a lesson. (don't apply for jobs that require knowledge of languages that I don't know nothing about). Anyway I'm still feeling positive and I'm not gonna give up

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    You're not an engineer.
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    @craig939393 wow I didn't realise I was a doctor!

    ...except this is an internet definition and no one in the industry recognises me as a doctor.

    I studied my arse off to get into uni, I studied for 4 years to get my degree, it took another 5 years to pass the peer review process to earn the title of professional engineer. Many of us don't recognise software engineering as a legitimate college of engineering.

    I personally do, but if you keep referring to every programmer as an "engineer" it will never mean anything.
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    @gibus point well made.

    What would you call the distinction between a programmer with no system design skill, and someone with that skill. Architect, engineer? Or would you call the former a scripter and not a software developer?
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    @gibus that's a fair point. I said software engineer because that's the job title, which team are you part of? Engineering, what's your position called? Software Engineer. People who go through college, bootcamp or are self taugh all get to the same position.

    I really don't care how people recognise me and I use the term "Software Engineer" as a way to generalize anything software related instead of developer/programmer, it makes job hunting easier.

    It still brings some questions to me regarding your statement.

    How did the first engineer realized he/she was an engineer?

    If a person has the same knowledge/experience as an engineer but no degree, is that person an engineer?

    That's the reason I think engineering is a combination of problem solving mentality + actual knowledge and you can earn either of those without going to college
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    @craig939393 @juanchdzl

    Ah, It's not just about ability. Not being an engineer does not mean you can't code.
    The distinction between an engineer and a programmer is assurance and responsibility.

    For instance.
    If a company is building a program where any number of issues could do immense damage to that company, they need an engineer. An engineer oversees the development of the software and takes responsibility for it, and does it all while not blowing out the budget.

    If you're self employed as a contractor, and call yourself an engineer, you would be expected to hold professional indemnity insurance, and in some countries, you'll need your name on a register. If you're hired by a company, they hold the indemnity insurance. So, if the person they hired doesn't hold a qualification, or the experience and there's an issue, that insurance could be invalidated.

    That's the difference.
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