Please what is so bad about java ? Am i the only one that likes verbosity?

  • 6
    It's not verbosity which is silly. It's the boilerplate which is silly.
  • 1
    @nickhh yeah but setting up an ide correctly can reduce what you have to do with that by a lot
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    @jonnmmoore you nailed it in the first comment 🤓 you like the verbosity, someone else doesn't
  • 5
    @ste09 exactly. I mainly use C# but tried out Java a while ago and while being a noob at java did not help the thing that realy put me of was that I often had to write 3-4 times the code for simple things.

    Overall it does not make a big difference and java 8 probably solves a lot with lambdas.

    The verbosity made the code less readable not more.
  • 0
    @Voxera that's more or less the same for me. I work mostly with C# and I like it, but i don't think Java is inferior or superior, just for the syntax or in general because of its conventions or coding styles ☺
    Damn we developers, everything can spark a holy war.
  • 0
    It's about memory management and the philosophy behind the language (i.e. exceptions) that make java a bad language..
  • 1
    @TktStatusPICNIC Java 8 introduced functional concepts into the language. It's pretty neat. You can set up a pipeline of operations using streams, and use lambda functions as first class citizens.
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    @ste09 well java's cross plattorm features beats C#'s so far and Java is making strides with new versions.

    Andmost of all, without competition development will stall.

    And java is not bad, I just prefere C#
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    @TktStatusPICNIC Java has its advantages and disadvantages, like any language. I personally love the fact that it is so explicit, even if that means it's more verbose. In addition, I think it's possible for a good programmer to write DRY code in Java; I disagree that Java code can't be generic or reusable.

    That said, I've been getting into Rust lately and I've fallen in love! It's less verbose but its strict ownership/lifetimes model allows the compiler to reason about your code intelligently and in fact guarantee memory and thread safety. It doesn't have a GC but memory is automatically cleaned up as soon as it goes out of scope. It's got kind of a step learning curve but it's extremely well documented and I highly recommend it.
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    As for Java8's functional features: You can pass around method references using the :: operator. Obviously lambdas are snippets of executable code that can be passed around as objects. You can create streams from collections and set up pipelines of operations using for instance stream converters such as filter, map, take, etc. Streams make heavy use of lambdas.

    However, a major downside is that to my knowledge there is no tail call elimination yet.
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    @Voxera actually, the cross Platform features offered by .net core are quite impressive (ok, no GUI support but hey, Swing is THE master example of the Java verbosity @jonnmmoore was probably talking about)
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    @ste09 yes, .net core brings better cross plattform and both java and C# adds more functional features.

    The best part is that we as developers win on all accounts :)
  • 1
    I kinda like Java because first code I looked into and wrote was Java.
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