I worked at a computer repair shop about ten years ago and had a coworker who seemed like a pretty cool guy, very smart, and a few years after I left that job I tried to look him up online to reconnect - I thought there was a potential friendship there. But the weird thing was, for all of his technical savvy, his online presence was almost non-existent. I found him tucked away in some old posts on some weird forum site, so I registered on it just to send him a PM. Unfortunately he never responded.

  • 4
    Well, there was no devrant back in the day.
  • 6
    He's knows the NSA is watching
  • 4
    You're the weird co-worker, the stalking kind
  • 0
  • 0
    I am active on reddit and on devrant. The biggest online presence I have udrr my name publically is on Instagram. I have account on Facebook, Snapchat and others but I never login to those except to check on them. I like tweets and follow some people on Twitter but I don't do anything else there these days.
  • 0
    Maybe I'm the different one. I'm not hard to find at all online - I have accounts everywhere.
  • 0
    @garrettw no you are not. For a normal person thats ok. Its us people that don't like social platforms like that. I think (and i guess most people here) that even less than handful of accounts I have (see above!) is too much. (I created my snapchat account recently. I have a rant on that) But for a regular person I have almost non-existent online presence.
  • 0
    @flag0 Who is "us people"?
  • 0
    @garrettw most people here. Now i see it, it seems like stereotyping. Not my intention though to make it clear
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