A while back I had a coworker who was just strange. I took a personal day one day, and came back to find my monitor (that I had brought from home) was gone. I was asking the people who worked around me where it went and after no one knew, I found it on someone else's desk. When I explained to him how I had brought it from home he denied he took it from my desk and continued that it was HIS from home! Turns out he had been taking other people's equipment around the office as well. He would rearrange furniture and even take down other people's personal decorations. He was eventually let go...

  • 7
    So did you take it back when he denied it was yours? I use a lot of my own equipment in work but fortunately don't have any issues like this. There are only 11 of us in the company though.
  • 8
    @theImposter At the time there were about 15 of us, and everyone knew it was my monitor, the issue was settled when upper management got involved. I think that was one of the biggest things leading to him being let go, they also found company testing iPads and nexus' in his desk after he left.
  • 6
    That's absolutely shocking, I can't understand why someone would take company property never mind a colleagues property. I'm a pretty calm person but I would probably have reacted quite badly to that.
  • 2
    @mpotratz I am envious of that attitude~
  • 2
    @Sotch-pr35mac @mpotratz I bring in some personal equipment, usually weird debugging devices - I show the usefulness of them and then push for the company to buy them, works 50% of the time.
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