I've been wondering what tech will be like in 50 years time,

I can only imagine it will be insane compared to today's tech.

I mean we have only really had 30 solid years or so of computers in people's hands. And the world is.. absolutely different . And really 20 years of internet (when it's been properly mainstream)

If your 20 now you have about a 50-60% chance of being able to see 2070

I think I really want to see that.

I promise I ain't high 🤔

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    @jordanglean fingers crossed 🤔
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    I'm 28, so not that old but I do wish I was younger, it would be great being 16 and just leaving school. Especially now that a lot of schools teach programming. It's going to be amazing to see what happens in the next 20 years.
  • 7
    @theImposter really? Admittedly I've thought about that myself sometimes, but it just seems so much work going through all that time again.

    Plus I really look forward to the incredulous faces of future grandchildren when I tell them yes, I am older than google, no, I did not have facebook or smartphones growing up and imagine this: there was a time when "e-books" were just called books and you did not need a charger to read them..
  • 5
    Tech is accelerating, the next 30 years will have exponentially more tech than the last 30 years. AI assisted advancements happening now, then pure AI advancements... may you live in interesting times!
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    @arminiae I was useless with computers until I was 21, I started my degree at that age, fortunately the first year was easy and I spent a lot of time playing with various operating systems, I had never installed an os before that. It then took a lot of work to get to a level I felt competent and at that point I realised the more I learnt the more there was to learn. Now I spend most of my spare time programming and learning new technologies, I love my job and they are very happy with me. Looking back I would love to do it again and get the chance to start programming in school. Despite all that I'm sure I'm still going to see some amazing tech in my life time, I've never thought about being older than Google before though lol.
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