
The first rule of networking: You can't claim that a message had been received until you have heard the reply.

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    The second rule of networking: Speed at all costs, especially in the datacenter

    #UDP-wrapped-TCP 😎
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    @SortOfTested My use case is voice over websocket, which is TCP, because I was way too lazy to figure out how WebRTC works and because the browser APIs all work with TCP.
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    @homo-lorens For any kind of streaming, TCP sucks because the delay introduced by retransmission is worse than a lost package. Classic case of a cure being worse than the disease.
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    @Nanos Of course it does because it's based on TCP which abstracts an unordered and lossy connection into an ordered and lossless one. See also the OSI model for general orientation, though TCP/IP doesn't conform to the OSI layer model 1:1.

    However, all abstractions are leaky at some point, and connection errors can still pop up e.g. if the cat rips out the cable.
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