Been hacking frontend for a while, know most of the perks and tricks of css and html, have implemented countless of projects with angularjs, have even created jquery plugins and gulp packages, have won hackatons in UX design.... Still, a SFO company turned me down for a front end dev position cause I could not find the K most frequent words in an array in O(n) time complexity...

  • 3
    You are one heck of an angry dude

    Chill out

    Everybody gets rejected once in a while for stupid reasons :|
  • 1
    learn how to do that. put it up in a gist. and never forget it. it's not big deal to get rejected
  • 0
    @SD010 @r4lph you're right guys, dealing with rejection is not easy, but there's nothing else to do but keep learning and trying. :)
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