
"Rants and comments can only be edited for 5 mins after they are posted."

5 mins is not fair; I think it must be at least 30 mins (or an hour).

  • 1
    Agreed. Or add an feature to view the pics you attached. It can easily happen that you attach the wrong picture...
  • 3
    Imagine this:
    - you post cat picture 😸
    - someone commented: "Aww..cute!" 😍
    - 29 min later, you change it to a picture of you 👽
    - poor commenter only realize it when it's too late and sob at the corner. 😭
    But, if we only have 5 min, commenters only need to make sure 5 min has passed before commenting.
  • 1
    Never push unsure code to prod!
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