
My home pc has developed a sudden issue and wont boot up anymore.

Stays stuck on the POST phase and am unable to get into BIOS , just stuck with a big asus logo and a message to press
F2 or Delete to get into BIOS but the system seems frozen as the keyboard lights are on but unresponsive while the
Mobo reads an error code A2
( the manual claims that to be an IDE error although am using only SATA)

Unplugging all usb doesnt change anything.

Unplugging all other sata ssd ,hdd and disk drives except the os drive changes nothing.

Unplugging the os drive results in the system complaining about no bootmgr
(As expected), that allows me to at least look at the BIOS but there doesnt seem to be anything wrong or out of the ordinary..

Booting from a live cd works fine

Booted from a pc boot repair tool and plugged in the os drive into one of the hot swappable sata ports shows me the all the files still there and accessible , check disk revealed nothing wrong. Can't plug in the os drive pre boot as that locks everything up again)

Tried to boot with a windows cd then do a start up repair but plugging in the os drive into the hot swappable sata doesn't work since windows can't see the drive.

Tried to swap the os drive with another one of exact same model filled witb random files resulted in no boot mgr error as expected

Struggled a whole weekend to fix it but alas no progress
Ah and the OS drive's warranty ran out 2 weeks ago 😑

Mobo asus p9x79 deluxe
Os ssd samsung 840 250 gb
No changes in hardware for the last year
Or so
No BIOS changes in over a year

I did notice some odd files like 0002Found
On the os drive when i was using the boot repair live cd tool, will bring the drive to
The office where i can get my hands on an ssd sata to usb caddy and take a snapshot of The files there for you guys to see.

Any ideas ? 😞

  • 0
    I believe your boot drive failed.
  • 1
    I've seen a few computers failing to go through post due to a bad drive, and since it works without a drive, that's probably it..
  • 0
    Hmm you think the drive is salvageable?

    The smart report i got when i used the live cd said that the drive is at 97-98% health
    And i can still see the files on it.

    Am hoping to be able to either format it when am at the office via one of those sata to usb caddies

    Or hopefully fix the bootmgr

    Its just so weird to me that plugging it in would so mess up everything like this 😞

    Sucky way to start the year, had a long session of deus ex mankind divided planned
  • 1
    @boubalo than maybe only windiwows is dead.
    Use live cd to back up your shit and reinstall
  • 0
    Thanks everyone

    Managed to resolve it by reinstalling windows. Bit annoying but at least it wasn't a hardware issue, spending on a new ssd or mobo would have been painful to an already euh..."slender" wallet 😂
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