
Best: Got a job at a rather big company, totally unqualified. They wanted me to start working on an android app to help maintain safety in their manufacturing halls using beacon/ibeacons technology. I had never made an android app, nor worked with gui. All by myself, I created the app and its necessary back-end logic. They were so impressed they wanted me back during the holidays or whenever i have the time, as I'm still studying.

  • 4
    @Letmecode Thanks man! I believe they pay me enough, at least for as student with my first job in development!
  • 1
    Good job! It's always a good feeling when people are impressed by your work.
    @Letmecode good advice, I'll keep it in mind too
  • 2
    Reminds me of my first job.

    All I have to say is...never tell yourself you can't do something. With sufficient effort you can learn to do anything :).
  • 1
    @skankhunt42 Cheers! Yes, it was really riveting! Was stressing and panicking a lot during the first month
  • 0
    @Mrlys I always have this when starting a new project in a new technology, but I always accept them and do my best to finish it, and I always do :)
  • 1
    @skankhunt42 you're probably right! I guess it helped me power through!
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