
What's your win this weekend?
And share a anomaly, if any, that you fixed.

  • 3
    Shit, it’s the weekend?!
  • 4
    Wanted to eliminate some copy/paste code and refactored it out to a dedicated function. Speed dropped by 1.5% - inacceptable.

    Re-thought it and did the refactoring a little differently. Speed increased by 2%, and the copy/paste code is gone!
  • 3
    Deleting numerous lines of code two projects while fixing bugs (e.g. returning null instead of the expected data) and keeping the testers happy.
  • 3
    I successfully installed Arch Linux on my first try on an old laptop

    Super excited to start playing around with i3 and ricing
  • 1
    My team is planning to do something similar. Our Jinja2 templates and Django Views are getting pretty complicated, mixing all of the UI + logic + security. We're thinking of building a whole other repo just for a static JavaScript server for the UI alone
  • 1
    New project (Kioxia) - new opportunirty ;)
  • 1
    Watched some Richard Feynman videos.
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