
This is my keyboard. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My keyboard is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my keyboard is useless. Without my keyboard, I am useless.

I can't believe how long I've had this one keyboard. I started my software developer career with it (went to my first coding interview with it), bought it before I had even had sex... Best investment of my life so far :D

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    For those that are curious, it's a DasKeyboard 4C Ultimate.
  • 1
    interesting, since it's still alive you probably don't game much on it, right?
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    @myss Actuallly I have gamed on it too. I just tend to be more of a verbal than physical rager lmao
  • 4
    @myss And I'd probably break my hand if I tried hitting it out of frustration, thing's made of brushed aluminum. Could easily use it as a weapon if I wanted to. People'd call me the Keyboard Warrior
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    You can see they cheaped out on the keycaps.
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    @kamen But they made up in the board itself. Keycaps are replaceable, and I would actually prefer them to be blank (planning on getting a model that has blank caps soon enough, just need to think who to pass this down to)
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    @xprnio Do a step up the ladder and go full custom. Your wallet won't like it, but a keyboard is not exactly something that goes obsolete in 5 years.
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    Without you, this keyboard can still be useful. Just give it to me
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    That keyboard can't have seen much code - or you changed the key caps.
    The letters are printed onto the caps instead of being lasered-in or inlayed.
    Printed letters are fading away relatively fast.
    As they start disappearing on the S, D, and C keys, i would believe three years of heavy use (they look rather cheap).
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    @Oktokolo i type thousands of words a day with printed key caps and they have done just fine. 🤷‍♂️
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    Hey! Consider changing just your keycaps instead of the entire keyboard. As you said, there is a ton of sentimental value to it. I think it is important :)
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    @Oktokolo Four years and some change, actually. Getting damn close to five years. And some of the caps have started to fade, but not to a really noticeable degree.
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    @camel Why should I change the keycaps when this is what they might look like another 5 years down the road
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    @xprnio that looks sick xD
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    @xprnio The legends won't fade away perfectly (plus this looks like a render) and the plastic will begin to shine after some time (ABS might do that after just several months).
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    @kamen True, but still :D It's about the flex of having somebody try to use your computer and being like "Where the fuck is *some* key? I can't use this shit" xD
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