Looking at Keyboards. Really like the Hermes P2. No stock anywhere.

Hermes P2A in stock... No reviews, Found one review on YouTube, 2 minutes long, in a language I do not recognize. The title and description are in English though

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    Just get das keyboard
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    If you're connected to a Google account while watching it, they sometimes auto translate that stuff for you
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    Sometimes YT decides to translate the video title into what it thinks your preferred language is. And so you end up getting baited into clicking a video you never really wanted to see. And because it can't properly translate video thumbnails or the actual content the feed ends up being a time wasting clusterfuck.

    Has there ever been a "smart" feature that resulted in something of value?
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    @deadlyRants hm, thinking of recommending 10+ years old cat videos seems to be smart for some ppl 😕
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    But regarding that keyboard, cannot live with a keyboard that has os- specific symbols printed on it. That why I chose “das keyboard” as well. The one without prints 😬
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