Fuck all managers who expects us to deliver a completely new feature before the holidays when in reality it would take thrice the time left until everyone is on vacation. Fuck them all with a cactus.

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    Don't deliver. As long as you deliver just anything, they will ask for it, and the software will be bad
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    @littlesparrow no, we physically can't. There is just not enough time, even if the whole team would double their hours with the same effectiveness. They will have to understand it will not happen before like mid-January.
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    @IAmNotARobot Yeah, good! And don't even rush for a moment :)
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    yeah happens a lot, better to delay instead of wasting holiday... no appreciation if you still do so why worry
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    Ow yeah the super urgent double time we need it yesterday rush.
    Just find something you need from them. Like texts they need to supply or some clarification/implementation decision/impact they clearly haven't thought about. It will stop the project for a week if not more.
    Only when it's truly important they will respond instantly. So far the best response time was 3 days...
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