
i have clarification,could anyone please help me with the problem.i have to upload and download files of any format from a relative path. i have figured out ,how to upload .the problem lies in the download . i am noobie programmer ,i had spent enough days on the download .that is why ,i have reached out here. the language that i use is java spring hibernate for back end and angular in the front end.could anyone extend their expertise

  • 4
    DevRant is not for this type thing. Trying asking a human in real life or on codementor - or if you issues are specific, stackoverflow. There are many ways to get help. This is not one of them.
  • 0
    ok..sorry.. bro..
  • 0
    @at46ul No apology necessary. Just sharing the info. Can you imagine trying to type code in here! ;)
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