
FYI epicgames.com seems to be giving away old games every day...

Usually they do this once a week... But maybe for Christmas...

  • 1
    Yes some sort of event
  • 3
    @Jilano oh they have the list, then how it mystery.... Or did you just leak it? 😏

    Guess I'll just collect them for now though haven't played any yet... Parents place, no gaming pc...

    Well actually my bro has one but he played it like 24/7.... And probably wouldn't let install anything on it.
  • 1
    Epic are still assholes with their bought exclusivity who try to gauge people by giving free stuff instead of making a good service
  • 0
    @iiii what do you mean? Their online games?

    Only game I ever bought... Or actually my dad did, was Jazz JackRabbit...
  • 3
    It's a last ditch effort for Tim Sweeny, one of the worst CEOs behind Martin Shkreli, trying to attract users to his platform.

    Fuck Epic.
  • 0
    @donuts no, the other games in their store which do not belong to them but are/were temporary exclusive for a year.
  • 1
    Maybe because they still like to overtake the market leader position. 🤔
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