

Today my dumb arse learned that DDR4 is a different shape than DDR3. Guess which one I spent weeks waiting for.

Guess which one my mobo supports.


  • 14
    You seriously need to do some basic research before you buy anything next.
  • 3
    Ouch...some oversight on your part, but I agree that is the worst.
  • 2
    And RAM isn't getting cheaper right now, too.
  • 2
    @Braintelligence It's at the point I'm genuinely tempted to upgrade the mobo instead of returning and replacing the RAM
  • 3
    @Dotwo be careful, you may need a new CPU depending on what you have vs. what you get.

    If you have ddr3, I see that being the case.
  • 2
    @Dotwo I'm actually crying inside because I need a lot of RAM for a New FreeNAS box but it keeps getting more expensive. Fuck our life.
  • 1
    You spent weeks on something that Amazon could deliver in 2 days?
  • 2
    @Wallpaper It was out of stock! One of HyperX models was 66% off :P
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