No source control. That's my life at work.

  • 3
    Who needs source control when you can blame other people and leave early! /s
  • 1
    So... how do you version code then?! Dropbox?
  • 1
    Just zip it and mail it. No problem 😁
  • 0
    Like what, you can't install git for your own use?
  • 0
    @theZorgEffect versioning whaaaaat? Nope. Making updates to the code base means copying files from the server in ssh, and then uploading them again to overwrite with the new changes. So if someone else decided to do the same thing at the exact same time, one of you would be hosed.
  • 1
    @Gauthier oh I do, but that doesn't prevent others from making their own changes and re-uploading single files to the server.
  • 0
    @divil I wish I could do this! Unfortunately I'm the junior guy...
  • 1
    So you guys are coding on production server? #facepalm
  • 0
    @maticko we have a development server. But you're still at the mercy of anyone else's changes on the dev server being up to date and/or overwriting one another
  • 0
    How do you decide what code goes to production? C/p from dev server to prod?
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