
Resignation of my colleagues due to burnt out and stress. It is sad to see them lost their passion in coding because of the crappy system of handling projects by our p.managers.

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    Resignation and burn out shouldn't be a problem at all. It is like taking a short break or detour while on a long Journey

    Losing Passion is really pathetic and demoralizing. I wish they didn't have to go through this
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    @asgs Resignation sure.
    But burn out, are you for real?
    It's not some short thing that can be dealt with short breaks.
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    @Berkmann18 it depends on how readily you want to deal with it. Conscience is the key. If there's not enough focus on the well being, you could drown out sooner than later
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    I agree with you.
    When a person resign, it's the last thing they want.
    They resign because chiefs don't understand the fears and angers of the employees, or the only thing they see in the future is more work (without any gratification), or they can't live with so little money.

    For example, if your team have the same number of elements than last year, but your number clients doubled, what would you think? And if one of the clients went from project team to support team with everything "half finished" and lots of bugs, and all your documentation for one complex feature is less than 9 pages in a Word.

    And you need to do on-call a whole week+weekend, with the end/begin of month always being horrible, some nights you can't even sleep and you still need to work more 8 hours in the day. You accepted in the beginning because they said it was 1 call/week, but now you "can't" jump out because they don't have anyone to substitute, and you like your colleagues.
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    @pmso Yeah, shit like this inevitably end up in burning people out unless they stop/quit before it's too late.
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    @asgs True, burn out will affect you differently depending on how fast you deal with it and remove the source(s) of stress that caused it, but sadly many people don't realise they are on their way to burnt out until it's too late (unless they burnt out in the past and managed to recover from it or knew of the warning signs and promptly acted).
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