Which would you prefer?
Starting a new project from scratch or improving a finished project?

  • 8
    Starting from scratch. All those new and interesting mistakes to make instead of fixing old issues. :-)
  • 4
    Always starting from scratch. If the finished project has been well written and still had a few interesting issues to solve then those can be awesome, but that seems to be quite rare.
  • 7
    I like fixing ugly code...Yeah...I'm weird! 😂
  • 2
    Sir @mrstebo you are not alone 😉
    Still starting from scratch can sometimes be cool in away (creating same thing different language?)
  • 1
    Time taken to understand the existing gibberish produced by some other dev and building over it >>> time taken to build the product from scratch
  • 0
    Both, but depends where I can make more money and feel more satisfied
  • 0
    Yeah, starting from scratch is quite better in my eyes, you can fix issues you did in your old projects without have to reuse these ugly hacks you made :D
  • 0
    Starting from scratch, definitely.
  • 1
    Not weird. Just a rare breed.
  • 1
    I just like the feeling you get when you are squeezing performance out of some really bad code 😌
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