
Does being an introvert holding you back from achieving your goals as a developer?!

  • 1
    Why would a dev be on introvert? Stop type casting me!
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    Nope. Introvert here, pretty happy with it so far. The occasional gathering or party isn't bad, could almost be bearable with the right people. Work relationships tend to be formal and easy to maintain because of said formality. It is better for managerial positions if you're a people person, but you don't need to be extroverted to get along with folks (or manage them, for that matter).
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    No lol, not at all.
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    Well, what are your goals?
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    Isn’t that sort of a job requirement? Isn’t being a loner how one gets into dev in the first place, I don’t know many football stars sitting behind a computer writing code.

    Personally I am pretty antisocial in general, has not held me back in any way, my companies smart enough to put people people in front of clients and not the devs, they know the devs lack the required tact to sit there in silence and think that the clients idea could only conceivably sound more stupid if Trump said it, they will say it out loud.

    It makes business sense to keep the tactless people away from those who sign the Cheques.
  • 2
    Worse, being an introvert does holding me back from achieving my goals as a living being...
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