Want to bundle your files: Node.
Want to minify your scripts: Node.
Want to tree shake your code: Node.


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    S3nd N0des!
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    Wait till you containerise everything
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    @agentQ I actually do containerize all the things XD
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    @catholic-emacs If only Deno had all the libraries for it D:
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    So, how else are you gonna bundle javascript with tools that are at least as platform independent as javascript?
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    @homo-lorens Funnily enough, I currently use PHP to bundle my JS and CSS XD
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    @FinlayDaG33k I don't think that's an improvement compared to node tbh.
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    @homo-lorens Considering I mainly work in PHP and that most of my stack was PHP-based anyways... it's a severe improvement.

    (yes yes yes, I know you are just hopping on the "BuT pHp SuCkS" joke wagon)
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    @FinlayDaG33k I mean, if the rest of the project is in PHP then it's clearly better. Involving PHP in a project just to bundle JS isn't any better than involving Node.
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    @FinlayDaG33k I really think php is bad, but if you're using it you might as well save yourself some compatibility struggles by using it for everything.
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    @homo-lorens I personally think PHP is a great language that gets far more hate than it really deserves, then again, you are entitled to have your own opinions on it and may refuse to use it if you don't want to.

    It works for me and allows me to get stuff done quick and easy without compromising on anything that really matters for my purposes (which is making websites).

    It ofc isn't without it's flaws (like it's pretty massive overhead) but it does it's job.

    Just wish for stuff like async/await really D:
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