What the fuck year is this !?!

  • 6
    Woaow! That's an interesting bug 😂!
  • 7
    Google predicted you will be re born

    And that means you will die before you could see Feb 2021 🤔
  • 6
    God I hope Messenger will be long forgotten by then.
  • 2
    metadata changed by signal?
  • 7
    It’s the year 52987.
    You are welcome.
  • 7
    Good to know that in 50000 years, when humanity is long gone, Android will still be able to show the correct date for photos.
  • 5
    I love how Photos in 52987 look vastly different compared to now
  • 2
    Post it to r/SoftwareGore they will appreciate!
  • 0
    You mean that the month are not in order? I don't see anything wrong.
  • 0
    @r20408e122449d Nothing unusual, folders with Months and years containing the pictures from those date. :D
  • 0
    I take a second to imagine what life around be like in that year. Blows my giving mind. Like, at the pace technology is now, we'll be Gods.

    Windows 1000?
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