Spent a good hour wondering why our website is displaying in the wrong language on some phones. Ended up opening an issue on the Chromium tracker.

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    How are you currently tracking what language to use
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    @FitzSuperUser AFAIK the only correct way: using the accept-language header, falling back to en if none available. The issue is that chrome for Android is not setting that header according to the user's language preferences.
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    @dovipas sorry mate but it must be something specific to your computer's, and or your code. it's super unlikely It's Google chrome I've checked there's no out pouring of this functionality isn't working.
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    @FitzSuperUser there are several people confirming it on the issue... It looks like the language chrome requests is based on location and not settings. Actually it seems it is a regression introduced on 55.0.2883. Just change your phone lang and check the headers sent by chrome. Also it's working normally on Firefox, Opera etc.
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