
Friend is getting fired by the end of the month. Can't say anything, all my attempts to help failed, it's fucking killing me inside.

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    You tried to help that's more than most.

    Consider him for any gigs he'd be good at in the future that you hear about.

    But that's still not a fun spot to be for either of you
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    @magusd is it ok to share what happened?
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    He's a designer that I taught the js stack, he was pretty good with it. Then a position as frontend opened and I told him to send his CV, he was told to learn PHP overnight and he did, came back and did a spa for a test with a rest PHP backend.

    My boss hired him as an investment, he is a quick study and likes to do things right, but he is green and eventually fucked up on a task, which was totally OK but he overreacted when out CMO confronted him and since that day, the count down has begun.
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    So it is kind of his fault, don't worry too much about it. Maybe talk to him about the incident and how that could have been handled instead?
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    Getting fired is kinda like being held back a grade in school. You hate it at the time but it'll make you work harder and realize there are consequences to your actions. But do it too many times and no one will respect you or want to be around you. Then prom comes and it's actually illegal and kinda creepy to ask a girl to the prom. So you just sit at home writing code all night comparing yourself to other failures in our society that actually were successful like Einstein or Miley Cyrus, but I digress.
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    @magusd I feel for your mate. Most of us have to go through these corrections to our game but rarely so public or so critical to our well-being.

    This is a reminder that we all fuck up. But we need to be-chill.
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    @magusd that's a damn shame. I assume he's tried apologizing, etc.
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    Thank you all for your words. Feel better already!

    Yes, it's absolutely his fuck up he got the zero tolerance policy.

    Yes, my first tip was for him to ask his apologies and show he was wrong and that he understood his fuck up, didn't make a fucking difference.

    I guess I did what I could, maybe he will be better on another job, it's like his freedom card.

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