
Receiving so much negativity about being a developer, but is this the legacy we are trying to put out there for upcoming devs, most are us are introverts with or without being devs, antisocial to our very core, so why don't we face out this sadistic outward appearance and embrace the very mini gods we were created to be and make the very best of it and oh I have a wonderful social life with a loving and caring companion, my laptop.

  • 4
    I don't really like people per se, so as an introvert I rather spend time in e.g. library or in my cave (is nice) than having a "social life". Don't worry though, I tend to get outside with people too or spend time at festivals/concerts.

    That doesn't mean a newbie should be an introvert and live in a cave to be able to code...
  • 3
    Your remark is very true and calls a deeper question: why tech/science oriented jobs are so depreciated nowadays?
  • 1
    I seriously don't know any a-social devs...
  • 3
    I prefer online friends. We always have the same interests and same personalities. I dont like being friend with colleagues because it can present issues at work if you have personal problems. I dont have non tech friends irl bc we tend not to have much in common

    And in general i dont like people.

    Online friends are great if you dont want to socialize you ignore them till its convenient and no one gets offended. Blow off an irl friend they get offended
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