Worst dev disaster

I was responsible for allowing users to purchase a six month premium plan in our app for free.

Only way we got to know about this was that a customer himself emailed us saying we are allowing users to get premium access for free.
Thankfully he emailed us within a day of the release and we didn't incur massive losses.

  • 5
    For the users it was the "best dev disaster" instead
  • 3
    So you totally missed the opportunity to spin this into a marketing stunt?
  • 2
    @Oktokolo it probably isn't the last time I fuck up.
    The next time I do I will propose that 😂
  • 2
    No need to let chance dictate your opportunities.
    Free subscriptions work even better when you advertise them in advance.

    But for non-"bug" free subscription give-aways don't forget to give the benefits to the already paying customers too (otherwise, they will feel like missing out and that might seriously poison your brand for them).
  • 2
    @Oktokolo definitely going to be my pitch in the next sprint meet. Thanks! 😂
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