Every fucking port is fucking blocked on the fucking piece of shit fucking server. FUCK YOU

  • 1
    Do you prefer "any:any"s
  • 5
    Well yea, then you slowly open the ones you actually need.
  • 1
    Actually not a bad idea.
  • 3
    @C0D4 I know, but it's mildly frustrating when the Corp moves at a snail's pace. A month for firewall rules to go in and having every port blocked is getting frustrating.
  • 5
    Closing all ports and only open the ones you really need is like keeping one's zipper closed unless you're going to actually piss.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop I prefer to free dog it 100% of the time actually
  • 1
    @vomitmachine Just spam management with emails with the word "ROADBLOCKED" in all caps until somebody either fixes it or gives you access.

    It's not like it takes a genius to open a port...

    And you don't need a "Cloud Architect" to go into the AWS security group and add a fuckin inbound rule.

    And TBH... I don't think I'd have agreed to dev under those terms in the first place.

    The client or contractor can OWN the box... but I am root. (Well... I'm ubuntu or ec2-user with sudu privs... but you know what I mean)
  • 2
    It doesn't take a genius. But it takes a person. And right now we have one person who has access to our firewall.

    I mean, I didn't agree for the company to go through a corporate integration a year after I got hired. We have the mentality of a corp, but the infrastructure of a small company. It leads to shit like this.
  • 2
    Looks like you have to tunnel over ICMP then...
  • 1
    That's a serious fucking rant! I love it
  • 0
    A while back at my old job I got a new server to play with. Couldn't connect via ssh (port 22). Days later got the reply to use port 722.

    I'm still kinda mad about it today.
  • 0
    Sound like you have a good sysadmin! :)
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