My team's been moved to a new floor. We're now sat by sales and marketing andI'm losing my fucking mind.

There's one lady who starts every call with the most sing-song version of 'Hi, {}'.format(Name) where she draws out 'Hi' so it's about 3 syllables long. If I have to hear it one more time I'm going to rip the phone out of her hand and throw it out the window.

I have headphones, but it's as if she waits for the second I take them off to say her catchphrase.

  • 4
    Ask her why she does that and say that you're really distracted by this. Maybe she doesn't even know that this could annoy somebody.
  • 2
    @paradonym sales people donstupid shit like this to try to lighten up their calls. Its annoying af
  • 3
    anyway, tell her that this distracts you. And if she doesn't react, ask the responsible person if you can move your working space.
  • 4
    @paradonym Might not be the best idea to disrupt another person's 'flow'.

    If she does her job well, company stays in business. We devs aren't the only cogs in the machine.
  • 0
    Does that even work? I mean, if I had to deal with someone like that on the other end of the line, that'd go straight to the cons column.
  • 7
    This was all I could think of when I read your rant:
  • 2
    @jallman112 "corporate accounts payable Nina speaking.....

    Just a moment "
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