
Hey Guys I want to start web devlope
How should i star

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    Learn how css works.
    99.9% of problems you will have with your client is needing to center something in a "different" way.

    I still have PTSD when a client said that a tab should be 1px to the left when you have a odd number of tabs open.
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    Perhaps learning to complete words. You won't get away with that in code.
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    @junon which word
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    @junon yeah, forget a question mark in code, see what happens... 😛
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    @azizgs "develope" is not a word, and while "star" is a word, you needed "start".
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    @junon Iam not good in english
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    Search for tutorials on html and css.

    Once you have done a few of those try to make a page about a subject or your choice.

    Then go for tutorials on javascript.
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    @azizgs That's okay, just remember that communication is very important in the dev world. That's my point. All of the code you write is a form of communication, both for the computer as well as other humans and yourself later on.
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    @junon *devlope
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    @100110111 🤫😂
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    @azizgs srsly tho, what @Voxera said. Go learn html & css. You’ll need both, and you’ll want to learn them well. No magic framework gonna save ur ass if you don’t know them. Once you feel comfortable with them, introduce vanilla JS to the mix. That’s pretty much all you need for frontend really. But most importantly, once you get started on learning, never stop.
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    Once you've learned and understand how to use `document.createElement('foo')` by itself without any help, you've reached a decent foundation of understanding how things work, I'd say.
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    @100110111 thank you
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    @junon thank you Bro
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