
What‘s your favourite operating system?
And why is it OSX?

  • 9
    Because I'm an over-confident hipster, who likes to brag and feel special by paying a ridiculous amount to a company which dictates what I'm allowed to do with my devices. Also, I like to be scammed on repairs.
    (There are good reasons to like OSX, but SCNR)
  • 1
    Because it’s the least worst.

    The search still sucks - and just moving a file from one window to another requires a silly amount of steps. It could be A LOT better in almost every way. I basically use Alfred instead of the regular GUI whenever possible... which shows that the OS isn’t that great if you are actively trying to avoid it. But I’m very thankful for the little wins like command + delete.
  • 4
    I don't think I have a favorite, they all suck, some less than the others.
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    Subliminal messaging:

  • 0
    @Jilano word, it really do be like that sometimes
  • 7
    Computers are awful.
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    It is not OSX
  • 1
    Some people like Aston Martin.

    Some people like to put RGB and a spoiler on a Honda Civic.

    I like Aston Martin.
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    Because I just love not being able to memorise the same keyboard shortcuts between osx and everything else. Keeps me on my toes. Who needs muscle memory anyway.
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    Because it's kinda in the middle between windows and linux distro(s)
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    Cuz I like not being able to use my computer for just about anything robotic. (good luck setting that shit up with ROS)
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    > Because it's humanity at its best.

    A lot of Linux forums treat people like shit because they don't have basic computing skills. No, it is not at its best with Linux. Also, the political angling in Linux has been atrocious at times. Then you have leaders in Linux community treating people like garbage. I do not think Linux represents humanity very well at times.
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    lmao good one
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    @AlmondSauce I grew up on Win, and use Windows layout keyboards, so I switch my CTRL and CMD keys.

    Then I use BTT to fix any other key commands (and to set up a shit ton of extras)
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    Btw, I use arch linux
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    OSX, that’s so last year. It’s all about the macOS these days.

    I’ve used macs for a long time, past 20 or so years I haven’t owned a “PC”, until a few years back when I built one to use as an Unraid server and a NUC which runs Proxmox and opnsense as a VM for my firewall + containers for 2 caddy reverse proxies, one exposed to the net and the other for internal only services.

    macOS just works for me, posix was a huge selling point, although windows now has that Linux wrapper. I don’t particularly like windows but I don’t hate it either, I use it remotely for dev work, but I don’t need it at home apart from for building windows versions of my open source projects, I just spin up a VM on Unraid and RDP into it.
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    It isn't.
    A couple of years back I would have said any debian based distro except debian.
    Now I realize any distro is mostly the same and it is best to chose one that breaks less and let's you install stuff easily.
    So a rolling release one with a good package repo is what I like now.

    I recently learned about the hate towards systemd, but I have only used distros with it.. so hey.. I might distro hop again.
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