  • 5
    That works wonders until burnout sets in.
  • 0
    @Root if it’s your car, you can always do an burnout, or a donut. I don’t get it.
  • 1
    Instructions unclear, I stopped.
  • 1
    @Root red bull ;) although tbh. Starting to crash now after 21 days
  • 0
    @bashleigh Bing is better :)
  • 0
    @Root not tried that. What is it?
  • 0
    @bashleigh An energy drink that tastes amazing and doesn’t have all of the awful ingredients most of them do so it isn’t nearly as bad for you.

    My last boss introduced me to them. Her husband (the CTO) and all of the devs in their (then) startup insisted on drinking energy drinks (and blasting EDM...), so she researched energy drinks for a full month to find which one was the least unhealthy, worked well, tasted nice, and was not expensive. She found bing to be the best in all categories by quite a bit. They’ve kept the fridge stocked ever since. And so have I! 😁
  • 0
    @Root oooooo I’ll have to find them!! Thanks :D
  • 1
    @Root Jesus 😂😂😂
  • 0
    £7.80 a can??
  • 0
    @bashleigh What the hell hahaha
    They’re like $1.50 a can here!
  • 1
    @Root I swear I’ve seen them in the shops here. I’ll keep my eye out
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