
apparently my bank's password length limit of 10,000 is too much for paypal's app to handle and it fucking imploded. sadly, no screenshots were allowed by the app, but it fucking broke so hard it spat logs and shit at me with no formatting or anything. it was NUTS dude

  • 7
    How... How do you manage to break so many things, hardware and software? It amazes me.
  • 13
    @neeno man if i knew i'd be making a career out of it but as far as i can tell it's just me being a living edge case generator
  • 5
    There are probably ways to take the screenshot if you really want to. It might be faster to grab another device with a camera though.

    But why the hell are you entering your bank password on PayPal?
  • 0
    @electrineer PayPal allows you to link faster than with the traditional routing/account number method by logging into participating banks through them. It's an unmodified, properly signed copy of their app, so...?
  • 3
    @Parzi your contract with your bank probably prohibits you from giving your login details to third parties
  • 0
    @electrineer i accounted for that, since I asked about it while at the bank. They said they knew about it, as they had to set it up for their branch specifically, and that I could use it.
  • 2
    @Parzi I guess it's their responsibility then. But getting rid of PayPal would be in the best interests of everyone since the shit they keep pulling off.
  • 0
    @electrineer Paypal SLIGHTLY lowers my odds of having my card/bank details stolen by middlemanning the transaction, which is all I really need. (It's also the only reasonable way to get money from selling my shit on eBay so like)
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