
master -> main, classic Euphemism Treadmill.

  • 1
    Yes, mutual wanking
  • 3
    @halfflat because it's utterly stupid in the first place.
  • 4
    @halfflat I have scripts all over the place that use master, I dont want to hunt down and update them all.

    Also main is a stupid name, `trunk` is better (to stick with the tree metaphor)
  • 5
    It's just like, seriously? Is there really nothing better for you to do in your life. I mean, slavery is terrible and all but do we suddenly have to remove the word master from our entire vocabulary just because slavery happened?
  • 4
    Virtue signalling at its finest. I changed my default branch name back to master for my own repos and promptly forgot about it. I'm not going to rewrite ten years of muscle memory for the sake of virtue signaling. There are more effective ways to protest the way black people are treated.
  • 2
    @YADU root would work with tree metaphor as well 🤔
  • 0
    @iiii this is true, there's tons of better options than `main` IMHO.

    We won't get consensus for a while though, so we're now in a worse place than before lol.
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