
I don't have any experience with cloud providers and I need to get a server for a project.
The website will be up for 3 weeks, access will probably be very uneven, the total user count is somewhat below 2000.
The site will probably be quite interactive and real-time, content may be changing every few seconds for an hour and then remain unchanged for days. I will also need either SSE or websockets for this reason.
What should I consider when selecting a cloud providers? Do you have a good one? My ideal provider would scale resources according to traffic like I've heard AWS does, but I want to hear your opinion first especially considering I know very little about how server load works.

  • 2
    AWS EC2 T2.micro (Free Tier) Ubuntu 20LTS.

    SSH in. Install whatever environment you need, ex LAMP or MERN.

    With that amount of users it should all be free.

    Protip: If you connect VS code and Workbench and SSH to your t2.micro at the same time it will probably die from no ram. And you'll have to restart it. Which AWS will want to assign you a new IP.

    To avoid losing your IP you have to set an IP in Elastic IP for your EC2 instance.

    Beyond that, for 2k users, and a short lifespan you can't beat free.
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