My teamleader blabbering about how I shouldn't listen to late shows with my earbuds while I work is rubbing me the wrong way.

"How can you focus while listening to them hurr durr", as if we didn't all do 20 tasks at once on a daily basis anyway.

  • 0
    True. Many of my colleagues generally use the second monitor for watching or listening to youtube. And they work just fine
  • -1
    Oh wow wonderful Post! Thanks for sharing with us, I am very Impress This Blog and Nice one mate. Great job as usual you are up to the mark
  • 2
    I am extremely bad at multitasking and even distracted by music sometimes.
    I don’t know how one can watch shows and work at the same time but good if it works for you. I’m impressed and envious 😄
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    I focus better with background noise and the occasional break watching. If I just spend 8 hours focused on a problem my eyes start to blur and I can't think straight.
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    @tejar37 0 rants, 1 comment, and it's to smear shit on my nice rant. I must be very special :(
  • 1
    You do you. I can't stand people who think their way of working is the only way.

    Personally I can't even listen to music, I get too distracted by it - but background noise is fine. Other people are the opposite and *need* it to work effectively.

    We all work differently, there's nothing wrong with that. There's everything wrong with assuming you know more about the next guy than he does about himself, however.
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