
Anyone else fucking pissed off by all the shit saying "Learn to Code in 21 Days".

You don't see anyone trying to become a doctor in 21 days so why the fuck do people think our work is so easy that any fucking asshole can do it in 21 days.

Fuck this whole fucking stupid world...

  • 7
    Don’t confuse yourself with the educational level of a doctor.
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    @odite I mean maybe that was a bad comparison.

    My point being, our jobs are harder to learn than is possible in 21 days.

    Maybe a real engineer is a better comparison since they normally require a Bachelor's Degree too...
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    Because devs don’t have to cut open a live fucking human and stitch them together, that too for their own good.

    Devs don’t even touch something that’s illogical or harmful or anything if it works or until it fucking dies.

    So yeah, not the same, bro. Not the same.
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    @Cyanide god apparently the "doctor" comparison has touched a nerve for some people. I just chose a profession without really thinking it through, jesus.

    My point was that you don't see "learn X in 21 days" for most professions that require an actual education, not that my job is as hard as a doctor's
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    You can learn the basics of programming in 21 days I believe. Learning does not mean mastering it or being able to work in a professional environment. At least that's how I would interpret it, but I can understand why one would be triggered by the statement "learn to code in 21 days".
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    @AtuM @Creep I TAed introductory programming courses many many times in my undergrad, and I can tell you 21 days is very short if you have no programming experience.

    Unless "the basics" is like, printing something out.

    But I'd say, variables, if and for, functions, basic (predefined) data types and operations on them, and printing, are what you need to say you've learned the basics and that takes people most of a semester IME.
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    My GF learned to code in like 5. Doesn't make her a pro.
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    Coding is just one skill, and I wish it could be learnt in even less time.
    Coding is just the first step, your job is not just coding. Or is it?
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    @c3r38r170 you're right but it's just irritating for people to see those kinds of books and be like "anyone can learn your job in 3 weeks". Obviously not true but still frustrating you know
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    Well when our industry is so watered down that the quality degrades to insanity, we will probably be replaced by AI anyways 🙄 you can tell I'm not an optimist
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    @jlysd well yes, it is very watered down.

    I think that's a result of the low barrier to entry for CS.

    Anyone with a computer can start coding (kind of).

    It's not like that in other industries so people think programming must be easy
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    @YADU maybe they are right, maybe we got who-moved-my-cheese'd.. or maybe they will get bitten in the ass.. or maybe they will quietly march along in ignorance.

    This stuff disgusts me and makes me question my career all the time.

    But then again, my mom was a lead engineer with 40yrs on some intense stuff, and her company didn't care about her opinion on big things either.
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    @jlysd COVID has made me very grateful for my career choices.

    Everyone I know outside of programming is really struggling but I'm pretty much fine..

    I'm optimistic that programming is going to still have jobs in the future, but we'll see. I think itll be one of the last things to be automated since we'll be the ones automating things
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    @Cyanide tell that to the developers of the radiation treatment unit that killed a number of people.

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    The real problem is that there is such a demand that even with only 22 days you will be good enough to fool a customer if there is a reputable consultant name behind.

    And thats all it takes :/

    And its also what makes many despite consultant companies even when there are good ones to.
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    @YADU I know what you were trying to say, and I agree. Simple.
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    I also get what he is trying to say. Much like when people say that degrees are useless and everyone should just learn everything online.

    I really do be out there hoping that doctors don't just learn everything online and I am greatful for medical licensed people out there :P

    For our field, sorta kinda, but I don't dig the mentality that everyone can become a developer or an engineer, nor do I like actually studying the engineering concepts of this profession, passing my exams and looking at billy out there thinking he is the same as I cuz he did a couple of youtube videos.
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    @Voxera Okay, that is very specific. And not a fair comparison to my comment. You KNOW what I wrote.
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    @Cyanide i know ;)

    What I mean is that the devs there was not medically educated but was tasked to design tools for doctors and they made mistakes.

    And if you take my comment and think the thought than one of these 21 day devs get assigned to a team as fill out and the customer believe they are well educated and task them with building something that ends up being used in a case where a mistake can cause real problem

    For example they are tasked with creating a small state machine for an embedded chip.

    How can that be a problem?

    Later that sm is placed in the controll box for a traffic light and a mistake causes crossing lanes get green at the same time.

    My point is that fake devs can be a real danger if they are presented to the customers as experienced devs.
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    Everyone can learn it in any days but it takes weeks to make something out of it.
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    @qviper I guess I'm more upset about people assuming anyone could do my job after like 21 days...
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    @YADU me too.
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    @YADU I wouldn't be frustrated if someone thinks that because they are so stupid they don't deserve my attention. They probably also think that for being a taxi driver you only need to know how to drive.
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