
I don't get that rush of learning some new langs such as Go, Elyxir, etc.
Is that trendy now?)))

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    I only have it with Node atm because it seemed really awesome. Except for that, nahh, I'm happy with the stuff I know atm and busy enough anyways!
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    It's sort of trendy, the hip kids spend all the recent years learning it and recoding themselves on YouTube instead of writing documentation.

    Also to this date there is no proof that there is a single nodejs server running on the internet, the hip kids are still busy packing for the web trip they're dreaming about.

    Wheels don't do reinvention by themselves.
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    @fuckinghipsters actually, it is not bad to learn bad new langs, it's annoying to hear about new one every month, though)
    I don't mean, that for example all servers must run on Java, Python or Ruby, because Node is nice as well for JS devs
    I mean that small amount of devs has to try new language in a progect, and in case of success other should learn it, but they all learn that untested stuff
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    @OrestH it's the hype bro, some serious innovation.
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    I think it's good to learn a new language every once in a while. But it shouldn't be about just learning the syntax.

    Choose a language that is different by design or one that challenges you to think differently. It would make you a better programmer IMHO.
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