
I hate that I'm having a SHITLOAD of work to do but apparently I need to work with data entry because the clients are too retarded to use a motherfucking CMS. JUST TYPE THOSE CHANGES INTO THE BOX YOURSELF, NO NEED TO INVOLVE 3 PEOPLE, YOU JUST NEED TO TYPE THAT BULLSHIT, THE BOX IS RIGHT THERE, NICE AND RECTANGLE, YOU'VE BEEN USING IT BEFORE HOLY FUCK

  • 1
    I hope you are billing that.

    When we started company, we used to do that shit as part of "customer sucess".

    Now we bill.

    Thing user can do him self : 2x normal bill ratio
    Thing they can do, but very slowly (Let's say enter 10.000 values) : Normal bill rate.
    Things they cannot do : 0.5 bill ratio as we will probably make a functionality out of it
  • 1
    Story of my life. I don't mind it much as I get paid per hour. What gets done in that hour doesn't reflect my capacities. If my boss wants to waste them, I don't care. I still get paid.
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