
In 2018, while working in Tokyo for a Fukuoka-based startup, one of my co-workers insisted that he wanted an SSL certificate installed on his local dev machine, but he didn't know how to do that. So I created and self-signed one for him. When our CEO came to visit our Tokyo office from Fukuoka, the coworker proudly showed him how his browser would display that green lock icon when visiting localhost:3000. This apparently impressed my CEO, because a few days later the coworker was invited to work at the HQ in Fukuoka while everybody else at the Tokyo office (incl. me) was let go.

This coworker would also only copy whole open source repositories, foo/bar/g all occurrences of the project name with our company name, and tell our CEO that he wrote that code.

I don't know how to deal with this bullshit.

  • 10
    BY: doing the same shit.

    I don't know what makes most of you fuckers think that being the holy-fucking-shit-best-elitist-dev-in-the-world is going to give you, being a good l337 dev gives you brownie points with other devs, BIg FUCKING IF even at that since all developers HATE other developers.

    Wanna grow in a company and not get fired? Get a fucking personality, be likeable, chill with the upper management, appear as a likeable human being rather than the one mfker that can compete in a C/Perl code golf competition (because no one gives a fuck about this one)

    TRUST ME: If a CEO is considering letting 2 dudes go, one is a lesser dev than the other but the other is a weirdo with no personality, then the weirdo will be let go.

    how do you deal with this bs? next time your CEO shows up show him simple shit that would make other mortals gasp in astonishment.

    That is, whenever you get a job. You are fine man, learn to play other humans.
  • 0
    Why haven’t you left yet? Do you like working with morons?
  • 2
    What that dude is doing is absolutely illegal, and maybe the CEO should know that...
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Doing the same ILLEGAL shit is not exactly a good long-term career strategy though. If illegal shit is to be done, this needs to have a serious CYA plan together with the legal department.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop notice that i said same shit in terms of "impressing a moron with mediocre technical aptitude whilst doing it through charisma", not necessarily the illegal stuff.

    even then, you can't get away with lots of things. Like super high ethics. I dunno how it is in Japan. But try working in latin America, its a dog eat dog world, of everyone is doing crooked shit to get ahead, but you stay true and pure, then your ass ain't getting anywhere interesting.
  • 3
    @AleCx04 Comparing the standards of living, the conclusion is that when everyone does crooked shit, you'll end up with a shithole. Japan was a cheap low cost country that produced cheap shit some decades ago, but they got their shit together and now make good shit. Fuck, there's no fuck in that. Shit.
  • 4
    Thanks for all the comments.

    "Just also start doing crooked shit" wasn't really the advice I was looking for.

    Fuck all of this fuckshit fuck me
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    @buhrmi Again homie, read what I posted, I am not telling you to do crocked shit, I am telling you to do you thing in a proper manner and be outspoken and present them to them properly. Your coworker was an asshole and an idiot, you are not. But by virtue of him seeing a chance and siezeing it you were not considered. Its all I am sayo bud.

    You don't need to be a crook to succeed in a dog eat dog world.
  • 0
    This is honestly disgusting and a disrespect to the countless efforts of those who actually made code.

    I would be packing right now if I were you.
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