We should totally be able to use try/ catch irl, especially in social situations

} catch (InappropriateTextError e) {

  • 1
    that's not how try catch works, you can't for example
    drop all database tables
    catch (database is actually live)
    undrop the bitch ass fucker
  • 0
    This would only work if the social situation threw an exception.
    Equivalent of try { processRiskyText();}catch {/*swallow */}
    The exception would never boil up and you would never know if you left whatever attempted to process you risky text in an inconsistent state or not. That could bite you in the ass later.
  • 0
    @Qchmqs It's a magical abort method. Now shush and enjoy the humor.
  • 0
    Really have a hard time enjoying programming jokes that don't even work. The call inside the try would obviously be side effecting and you would only be able to deal with the consequences of your social mistakes :)
  • 0
    @Kamelpaj It absolutely works. abort reverses all effects of sendRiskyText
  • 0
    try {
    } catch (InnapropriateTextError e {

    That's how you handle bad decisions.
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