I built a css reset named reseter.css a month ago. It is used by more than 6k people but I got only 229 stars yet. Can Anyone suggest me what to do?

Repo: krishdevdb/reseter.css

  • 4
    Write this at the top of your GitHub README


    OR, an evil option,

    If they use your CSS through CDN, update it and add the above message to every page using CSS.

    OR, honest advice,

    Let it grow by itself, if you really want it, post it on relevant forums on Reddit.
  • 5
    Dude. GitHub is not meant for gathering fucking Internet points.
  • 3
    It's a good project BTW, It will grow by itself, don't worry, How did you get stats about number of users? AFAIK there is no reliable way to gather such stats.
  • 0
    How is this different with normalize.css and reset.css?
  • 0
    A other one :/
  • 0
    I got these stats from APIs from all my distribution centers
  • 0
    It is built on normalize.css. This means that it includes all normalize.css features. The main difference is that normalize.css preserves useful defaults and reseter.css redefines them. Plus, It has learnt from really popular versions of normalize.css. Like sanitize.css, reboot... So it also includes their benefits
  • 1
    Hey @theabbie I tried creating a github action which could do that. I made it till the end. But I couldn't figure out how to update the readme on occasions automatically. If you have any ideas I would love to collaborate on code. Currently I run the script manually and log the user count
  • 2
    @krishdevdb No need to ask for stars, it will grow, you can share it on relevant forums on Reddit, asking will not be worth it.
  • 1
    @theabbie Thanks for the advice but I can't figure out the correct subreddits. On some of them I posted about this. But they said my karma to be low. And others are not that active and couldn't get any body to see it.
  • 2
    @krishdevdb Yeah, gain some karma by posting memes and stuff, once you gain it, r/webdev, r/html5, r/web_design, r/javascript, r/opensource, r/coolgithubprojects etc. can be used.
  • 1
    Thanks @theabbie. I was wondering that if you would like to help in the user-count-action code.
  • 3
    @krishdevdb Will check it out
  • 1
    Thanks @theabbie @cabbybaby @jak645 and @Ranchonyx Thanks for your ideas. But, I just needed to wait for a while. Now, Big Newsletters Like Frontend Focus Are Publishing My Project. I am getting a ton of tweets in my projects favor. The Users Went Up 2x. I got to 385 stars in 2 days. Thanks for being interested in my rant and commenting here!
  • 0
    Both of those numbers are better than anything I've ever gotten for a project
  • 0
    @YADU just compare the stars to users. Not even 1/10
  • 0
    @krishdevdb so? That's still tons of users and stars...
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