
TL;DR: intel stripped the hosted network function from the drivers for my wifi chip. Older versions can still so it

Every month I travel by bandbus to neighbouring countries for a show.
This usually takes 7+ hours.

So i have my laptop with me and if my brother is along as well, we game in the bus.

Using a cable for internet connection isnt handy, since we sit on opposite sides of the bus. So i looked up if I can use a hosted wifi network for this.

We both checked out our drivers and both said no hosted network support.
And some posts on the internet said that customer support told them that the chip can't do it

But thats weird. My laptop is high end. So I searched a little only to find out that I can do a hosted wifi network if I DOWNGRADE my drivers.....

Fuck you intel. Fuck you hard for stripping that function from the drivers

  • 1
    Use virtual router or connectify they have their own drivers, but it makes everything slow
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