so my project manager just asked me if she can help with anything, did she ask to make herself feel better after overloading me? Or was it trying to rush me politely?

im a fucking developer, you don't even know basic html, whats the fucking point of the question...

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    She can do your household work while you focus on coding.
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    @theabbie makes sense
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    My previous manager used to ask this all the time. She was not a developer.

    I would usually reply with something along the lines of "this task takes priority, but I am getting emails about X department asking for Y, could you take them off my back so that I can concentrate on this?"

    If your manager happily assists you with that then congrats, you got them on your side over these things and they can lend you a hand over other things. If they can't do shit about it it might be circumstantial, if they WON'T do something about it then you don't have a team.
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    @AleCx04 but then they ask:

    Ok what I have to write down?

    It's happening to me very often where there are people that are happy to help, but they need exact directions. That's not delegation just doing something by someone else's hands.
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    @theabbie Remote chores = new COVID startup
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    I feel you, man. My bosses (who are both lovely people) are nontechnicals - albeit ones who know a little, but not enough to contribute meaningfully to a technical project.

    It's impossible to delegate technical tasks to these people. But, there are other kinds of tasks you CAN delegate to nontechnicals. You can ask for relief if you're overloaded, ask if clients can be managed so you can focus on a single project, or even bring you back lunch if they go out and you need to work.
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    Oh yes please: make sure that no one distrubs me for the rest of my life
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    I think when when asks you that, it's not for the dev work, but so she can do any non-dev stuff you need.

    Maybe you're blocked by some other team on something, she can go harass them for you so you don't have to for example.

    At least, that's how I always interpret it.
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    @YADU Yes i agree, same with the other replies up there, she was being kind and trying to ask if there are non-dev work she can help with im just being a reallllyyyy salty fucker here hence the rant lolz..
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