Can anyone give me a brief summary how they startet with a job as a programmer.
Was it it hard?

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    My first job was going into a big corporation. There was minimal training, they had me watch a few videos about the company, and take some PluralSight courses. I paired up with one of the senior engineers the first few weeks, and then I started to take tasks on my own. Even then, I still asked tons of questions to my fellow developers. I felt like I was holding everyone back for the first 3 or 4 months, but if you talk to other developers, I'm sure they'll tell you the same. Catching up and getting in the setting of things can take some time, just don't get to discouraged. It will feel rough, but it gets easier.
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    Thank you 😉
  • 2
    Done an apprenticeship. Thanks Germany
  • 1
    I have a CS degree and did an unpaid internship for a few months. Got treated like dirt but had a chance to work on live code and work in a bunch of areas. As soon as I figured my interests (web dev), I left and joined a digital marketing company where I make websites.
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