Some people have this attitude of not giving a fuck. Like if something does not work, they'll be like "yeah" and move on.
If I can't perform some task at my work, I get crazy but for some it's just nothing. Like yeah so it happened.

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    I used to get really stressed about this too - constantly felt the need to prove myself as a dev. Then I realised, pfffff, life's too short, and now if something has stumped me I just shoot a message to my team. Around half the time I'm being dumb, half the time they're stumped too. But I've had feedback that it's a good thing, and it sets up a nicer environment IMHO - it means no-one else is afraid to ask the silly questions either.
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    @AlmondSauce Yeah this is too. Some days I get this feeling that I am doing good and if I face some obstacle I am like, I worked on it let's ask someone else. Some days I am too scared to ask because I know I am already late to ask the question.
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