Which web hosting is better for a new website?

  • 4
    You're going to need to be more specific, and you're going to need to say what things you're looking for that aren't covered in any SEO-placed hosting review.
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    "New website"

    So, a blog, an SPA, an Ecommerce, a massive list of APIs?

    Some details would be nice.
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    Free or Paid?

    If free, you know, you will pay with something else, and if you are fine with that,

    Firebase is great for static hosting,

    Dynamic websites are a completely different thing and you need to give a lot more details.

    Paid? Never tried DigitalOcean but seems good to me.
  • 4

    Yeah, digital ocean is my answer to everything.

    "Where were you the night of the seventeenth?"

    "Um, digital ocean."
  • 0
    Just buy your instances (e.g. Amazon) and do it yourself
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    AWS is free below a certain resource level isn't it? Should be enough for a simple site.
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    I can give you free hosting.
    Also php.

    If you need fancy shut like python, ruby, node, then I can't help, Maybe get a VPS if this is the case.
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    @mundo03 How is using a free hosting? Is this reliable?
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    @CurtisMJ I don't want to use free.
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    @JaySaunders yeah, it is mine, I pay a shared hosting thing for instance miokimia.com is hosted there, Made the site with jekyll

    I think my linkedin is linked in that site, an other things, DM me to give you access.

    Btw, you would need to buy a domain though, not with me I don't sell domains :D
  • 0
    I found this one a few hours ago https://sitechecker.pro/web-hosting... How is it? Should I go forward with this one?
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